What is the SCA?

Chances are you are visiting or living in Ireland and you've discovered something about us because you have an interest in things medieval. Eplaheimr is one of three groups in Ireland that are part of the Society for Creative Anachronism — a worldwide organisation for people interested in practical history research of the Middle Ages. Our Barony and Shires are smaller groups within a larger group that covers the UK, Ireland and Iceland — our Principality Insulae Draconis. That, in turn, is one Principality in a Kingdom, The Kingdom of Drachenwald, which covers most of Europe and South Africa.
The SCA is not a re-enactment society, nor are we a role-playing society, but something in between: a practical history society that likes having fun. We have members interested in all aspects of recreating the many many arts and skills of pre-17th century Europe. While we have no early cut-off point, we cover the period of history up to the year 1600CE and not later as that becomes more of the modern era, we also have no restrictions on the cultures being recreated as long as they are done respectfully. We are very social and we hold events where we create a persona and dress up in our chosen era, style and culture. We do activities
like Medieval-style Armoured combat tournaments, or teach classes on what crafts were done then and how to do them, or recreate fantastic banquets using authentic recipes from a bygone era. Our members research and exchange knowledge and we often have day-gatherings where members just get together for that purpose or for a bit of combat practice. We love to welcome new people and let them try out stuff and see what we do. If your first contact is at an event, then we can supply loaner gear. Even if you don't have any garb (costume), we would love to have you join us!
We like to give our groups names as if they are settlements or towns from the Middle Ages or earlier. The standard size group is called a "Shire", a larger Group is called a "Barony" and so on, all the way up to a Kingdom. We also have smaller college groups and cantons (local-based groups within a Barony).
We are family friendly and our groups hold practices in armoured combat, rapier combat, and archery, and meet up to work on various arts and sciences as they were done in the Middle Ages or earlier, like:
Glass Beads
Spinning & Weaving
Pigments & Ink
Metal Casting
Natural Dyeing
and thats just a little of what is done only by members in the Irish Midlands and West!
We cover many cultures and time periods, and don't restrict our members to any one area — Vikings mingle freely with 16th Venetian ladies, and swap skills and stories. We work with the idea of selecting a persona to research; some go for a general "medieval" and don't get too worried about the details, while others lovingly craft an entire identity with time-appropriate clothes, accessories, weapons, household goods and skillsets. Members are free to explore their interests.
We have a whole calendar of Events that are held all over Ireland between the three groups: some will be local to you, some might be held in another county. We also run regular day activities where combat practices and craft meetings are held local to members. These events and gatherings are a great way to meet people interested in the same things you are, and you can experience tournaments, royal courts, feasts, and medieval entertainments as well as just hanging out and getting stuck into projects. Events can be run over the course of a day (revels) or a weekend, and there's even a five-day camping event in Wexford at Sigginstown Castle.
As a Barony we're your best point of contact for local practices if you are looking to participate in Galway, Limerick, Clare, Westmeath, Offaly, Meath, Longford, Laois or Tipperary. If you are based anywhere down the West of the island, you might have to travel a little further. The other groups cover Dublin and the East, and the North.
Can children come along?
Of course! We currently have members in the full range of ages, from small kids, teens, college students all the way through to those who may be celebrating their 21st for more years than they care to remember! All we ask is that children be accompanied by a parent or guardian that has to be responsible for them at all times and there might be a little extra paperwork for children to participate in some activities. No SCA member can be asked to take on supervisory responsibilities for any Minor under the age of 16, unless they have given prior consent. To participate in Rapier Combat (blunted and tipped steel swords), you have to be at least 14 years of age and have parental/guardian consent. To participate in Armoured Combat (full armour, rattan swords), you have to be at least 16 years of age and have parental/guardian consent. To participate in Archery as a minor, there are no age restrictions, but you have to be old enough to be able to handle a bow and arrow and parents have to be present with you at all times. We are always delighted to have a group of kids having fun and enjoying what we do.

How do I find out if I really like it?
The best way is to come along to one of our gatherings or events and check us out. You can also make initial contact by getting in touch with one of our Baronial Officers. If you come along to a local day activity or combat practice you might not even have to pay anything, or just a small token. You don't have to join and pay membership fees straight away either: you can still participate without being a member until you really are sure you'd like to take part. The annual membership fees are only £15 (they are handled from the UK) for an Adult and they mostly cover insurance. Being a member means that you not only support the organisation, but can also take on an office, become a combat Marshal and reign as the designated royalty.
You don't need to even know anything of any art, craft or science to join in. To give you an idea, what we call "A&S" meetings will give you a chance to try some new skills and classes. Some of our recent classes have included calligraphy, silk painting, bookbinding, garb making (costuming) and banner making. We are always keen to encourage newcomers to try things they might never have come across before. You never know what new passions you might discover.
There are regular monthly meetings in Galway City, Dublin has weekly combat practices as well as regular craft days and there are often gatherings in Limerick and Athlone as well. Browse the Baronial Calendar, or get in touch to find out more.
More information you might like to read:
What is an Event?
What is Court?