Our Esteemed Baronial Royalty
Her Excellency Baroness Adele de Chaddwyke
Her Excellency Baroness Rogned Stengrimova

Chamberlain: Viscountess Susannah of York
Herald: Lady Fianna Rua nic Mhathuna
Councillor: Lady Maedhbh Rois inghean Uí Chaoimh
Head Lady in Waiting: Lady Marina Claudia Alessandra de Grado
Captain of the Guard: Lord Cúchulainn
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Take a look at the Eplaheimr Award page.
Eplaheimr Regnum
Previous Rulers of the Barony of Eplaheimr
Etienne Fevre and Melisende Fitzwalter AS LV, February 13th 2021 - AS LVIII 1st July 2023