Useful information for Members Running Events
Forms - click to download
Cancellation Policy
This policy will apply to all events run within/by the Barony of Eplaheimr unless otherwise stated. It may be waived at the sole discretion of the Event Steward on a case-by-case basis. This policy is necessary to ensure that the hosting branch does not make a loss on events due to people cancelling.
Attendees cancelling more than 3 weeks before the event: No cancellation fees.
Attendees cancelling within the 3 weeks before the event: A fee will be incurred and may vary between events, subject to the autocrat’s discretion.
Attendees who fail to cancel and do not show up for the event: The full price for the event will be required.
A cancellation email should be sent to the Event Steward as early as possible to help ensure any fees incurred are kept to a minimum. Cancellations due to sudden infectious illness, and other unexpected emergencies may be partially/fully waived at the discretion of the event steward.
Insulae Draconis Rulers coming to your Event?
Drachenwald Rulers coming to your Event?
SCA Insurance
Insurance for the SCA is arranged and negotiated by the CiC (legal entity covering UK and Ireland). If you require a copy of the insurance document to show to a prospective venue, please get in touch with the CiC to request it.
This is the current (Jan 2025) procedure to follow with regards to insurance coverage for Events and gatherings:
- Paid members are covered even if they just walk-in to an event without pre-booking. Obviously certain events will require pre-booking, which we encourage all members to do.
- Non-members and newcomers still have to have insurance coverage arranged for them. They have to pre-book up to 3 days before an event or gathering. 3 days before the event, booking for non-members must close, and the list of pre-booked non-members should be sent to
- All non-members need to supply the following information when booking, in order to arrange insurance coverage: Full Name, Date of Birth, Postal Address
- At events and gatherings, there must be a sign-in sheet for all members asking for SCA Name, Membership Number and Signature. This is to gather the list of all members who were present on the day/weekend. Immediately after the event, an image/scan of all the pages of the sign-in sheet should be sent to where it will be kept as a record in case an insurance issue may arise. A blank sign-in sheet is available to download on this page.
Event Stewards and Staff Resources
Reservations Steward Guidelines download
Venue Accessibility Questionnaire download
Adding your Event to the Drachenwald Calendar and other Forms
Drachenwald event bid checklist
Insulae Draconis event planning timeline download
Court Report, to report up the chain, what happened during Court