Mil agus Tine
(Honey and Fire)
The Tuatha de Eiscir Airgead will be hosting an A&S day, ungarbed, in Clara Scout Den called Mil agus Tine (Honey and Fire) on December 16th.
With Christmas close by join us in Clara for a day of A&S (more activities may follow depending on interest). We will make sure there’s a good fire going and learn how to make dipped beeswax candles and mead. There is plenty of room, tables and hanging out space by the fire. Bring your favourite warming, pot luck lunchables and we’ll make sure there’s lots of hot drinks available. There is a kitchen on site where you can re-heat or even cook your lunch.
For those wishing to do the Mead-making, there is an additional €10 for equipment to take it home to do it's magic. You can book for this when you book for the event.
For the candle-making class, there is a suggested donation of €5 towards materials for this and future classes, but this is not essential.
16th December
11:00am - 8:00pm
Scout Den, Jim Kirwan Scout Hall, The Island, Clara, Co. Offaly R35 HT67
Members: €10
Non-members: €14
Students/Unwaged: €8
Kids under 12 - Free, but will need to be supervised around the hot wax!
**The 13th December is the last day to Book, to allow for insurance and the purchase of materials**
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