Eplaheimr Tionòl Barùnach.
Eplaheimr Baronial Investiture
4th July - 6th July 2025
Céad mìle fáilte. The Barony of Eplaheimr welcomes you to the investiture of our next Baronial Royalty.We invite you to attend and bear witness to this joyous occasion of the Barony inaugurating it's third Baronial Rulers.
Clara Scout Den
The Island,
County Offaly
R35 HT67
Site Information
The site is crash space only, so bring whatever you need to comfortably stay overnight including bedding and towels. Outside camping will be available. There are a few offsite accommodation options available in the area for those who wish to do so.
If you have mobility issues, please inform the event staff when you book.
The site is wet, allows covered flames only/LED candles and dogs are allowed outside on a leash, but not inside the building please.
Ticket Prices
Adult Member €30
Adult Non-Member €35
Adult Member Camping €20
Adult Non-Member Camping €25
Student/Unwaged Member €20
Student/Unwaged Non-Member €25
Child Member Age 17 and under €15
Child Non-Member Age 17 and under €17
Children Age 5 and under €Free
Children Age 5 and under daytrip/offsite €Free
Booking closes to non-Members on the 30th June. Any members booking after this date will have a €5 late fee applied.
Click the icon to go to the Facebook Event Page
Travelling by Car
Car rentals are available at all airports and the easiest way to get to site is by car. Driving from Dublin airport takes approximately 1 hrs 15mins.
The drive from Dublin Ferry Terminals to site should take in the region of 1.5 hours depending on traffic in central Dublin. The drive from Rosslare would be around 2 hours 40mins.
There are tolls on most of the motorways to site, so Euro coins/cash would be needed, but they also take contactless/card.
Travelling by Ferry
Coming across to Ireland in your own car is an option.
There are direct Ferries to Dublin Port and Rosslare from points along the North Coast of France, the main quickest route from the UK is Holyhead (Wales) to Dublin. You can also sail from Fishguard (South Wales) to Rosslare (Wexford), and from points north (Liverpool, Stranraer etc) to Belfast, but both those options increase the driving time to site quite considerably.
Flying to Ireland
Then by Bus:
Dublin is a well-served International airport with links all across Europe, and is more than likely, the most convenient in terms of flight times and frequency of flights. It is also the closest airport to site, with buses serving the connection between the Airport into Dublin to transfer to trains at Heuston station. From there follow the itinerary below.
Travelling by Train
Travelling by Train from Dublin or Galway is the most convenient way to access the site by Public Tranport.
Trains Depart from Dublin Heuston with destination Galway, stop in Clara. From the other direction, trains departing Galway for Dublin, will also stop at Clara. The train station is a 5min walk to the site. Please consult the Irish Train website for information on train schedules and departure times.
Event Staff
Event Steward: Lady Kytte of the Lake (Catherine Terrett)
Email: kytteofthelake@gmail.com
Head Cook: THL Eplaheimr-Jin Unegen
Marshal-in-Charge: TBC
Herald-in-Charge: TBC
Please note that booking for this event is subject to Eplaheimr's event cancellation policy.
Please also note that this event is governed by Eplaheimr's Inclusivity and Code of Conduct policy.